I was both looking forward to and just a lil bit dreading todays session, because it included a 10min stretch of running ( more correctly jogging I should say) and that is twice as much as I have done before so far in one stretch. I started out very excitedly, eagar to see if I could overcome the 10mins. I'm VERY, VERY proud to say, that I did overcome it and the last 5min stretch too, so day 3 of week 3 is now completed.
With my interest in running, came a lot of reading about running and all thing associate with it. I've come to the conclusion that us runners (and I include myself in that) are a rather weird bunch. We do some very weird things, like running 42kms (that won't be me at any time though), running in the most ungodly weather that ducks stay home in and some even run in the heat of the day (personally, I can't understand how that can put up with the heat) and a whole other assortement of things....
For instance, on my weekend away, I did a run - on a gravel road in the farmlands. I was more concerned about my (relatively) new asics getting dirty, than I was in looking at the beautiful scenery LOL
Another thing - those pavement oysters - Ewwwwww, GROSS. If you don't know what pavement oysters are, I don't think I even want to try and explain it, but suffice to say, a popular runners mag (Runners World) actually had an article in it explaining HOW to do such said offence. Apparently its quite common among runners, BUT, I'm not sure if I will ever be one of those types of runners, I think its totally gross and would much rather carry tissues with me *grimace*
Another article in said magazine, discussed when one becomes 'a runner' and one of the theories is that you only become a runner, when you have peed in your pants, on the run..........again EWWWWWWW, Thats another kind of runner that I DEFINATELY won't be becomming.
I can understand though that top road running athletes probably do both - in the interests of getting good times, but thank goodness I'm not a top athlete.
I've also learned that vaseline & sunblock can rapidly become my best friends, going with me to every race. Also a banana is good before a race and chocolate milk is good for recovery afterwards.
For the time being though, I'm VERY happy with the kind of runner I am and I'm feeling VERY proud of myself and what I've done so far and I'm really looking forward to continue on being a RUNNER!!!
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