So, its Monday again and its school holidays and its also week 8, day 2 of the Shape 10km challenge.
Yesterday I managed to find a decent pair of ankle running socks which I was very pleased about, not the ones I wanted but okay ones. The annoying this is, even though this shop had an array of running socks, they were all ONE brand and MOST of them were also secret socks. Because I didn't want weird colour socks, I only had a choice of two pairs, its really annoying.
Todays Shape Challenge session was: Walk 5mins briskly. Jog 20mins. Walk 5mins. Jog 10mins. Walk 10mins briskly to finish. And I did it, the whole session exactly has specified. The 20min jog was probably the longest 20mins in my life LOL but I did it. I wasn't too sure if I could make the 10min jog thereafter, BUT I DID!!! I'm very proud of myself for that 20min jog :-)
LOL, I've noticed that every time I need to type the word 'jog', my fingers type job instead and I always have to change it. I think my body is trying to tell me that jogging is like a job hehehehehe
Anyway, I'm now one day closer to finishing the Shape Challenge and also one day closer to doing the Spar Womens race EEEEEK
On another front, as you (well, those in SA anyway) will have seen on the news, we are in for some steep electicity price hikes, so I decided that hubby needs to put up the washing line again so I can stop using the tumble dryer. I know that a tumble dryer uses a lot of electricity and therefore isn't eco friendly, but let me tell you, its so much more convenient and once you get used to it, its very hard to give it up. Unfortunately (hump, cleaverly for Eskom :( , the put the price up at the beginning of winter, when they know full well that people will be using more hot water, heaters, tumble dryers etc, not because they want to, but because its necessary. I'm using the washing line now, but I do realize that when the weather gets worse, I'll need to resort to the tumble dryer again. Hopefully though I can keep it down a bit.
In addition to that, I had stopped using fabric softener on my washing a while ago when I started using the tumble dryer, because the TD makes the washing soft, now though, the washing dried on the line, is very hard, so I had to go out and get some fabric softener again :(
Oh well, till next time..............
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