Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Moving forward in more ways than one

I haven't blogged for a while, because there wasn't always that much to tell, so let me give some updates.

Trevor is now fully off the ventilator and has been for quite a while now. They put the 'talking pipe' in his tracheoscopy and capped it, so he can now talk but his voice is still quite quiet and he's struggling a bit talking because his throat is very sore.

Today the ent came to see him and says his vocal cords are not working correctly yet...personally, I think its because his throat is always so darn sore from the feeding tube which goes through his nose and into his stomach. The good news about that though, is that they are thinking of doing a minor surgery to put his feeding tube directly into is stomach, which means they will be able to remove the tube and hopefully his throat will be able to recover.

Trevor has been asking for a while to get his hair cut and I was hoping to do it when he got to rehab, but seeing as his trip to rehab has been delayed, Seleste contacted a mobile hairdresser she knows and the lady, Cindy came to the hospital today and washed his hair and cut it nicely. LOL he said he wanted a GI Joe haircut and its pretty close, very short, just how he likes it. Thanks so much Cindy, we really appreciate it.

My news is that I passed my learners licence and my drivers test is booked for 26 June. I would have preferred to wait a bit more, but that was the earliest in advance they could give me when I booked it.  Not much time at all, but my instructor is convinced it won't be a problem and I'm having quite a few double lessons before then to get ready. My first lesson was today and we did alley docking and it all went well. I didn't hit any poles or even get close to them from both sides, I did it very well and my instructor was quite pleased.  :) I was very stressed but I'm sure that as time goes on, it will get easier.

Trevor told me that I must take the St Christoper from our cars keys with me when I drive, but as Matthew is using the car, we didn't want to do that, so today I bought a small silver St Christoper to keep me safe and because its what Trevor wanted :)

Oh...and on Tuesday, I ran 3km for the first time :) Quite proud of myself.

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