Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Good days :)

Yesterday, when we went to visit Trevor we found him sitting up in a lazyboy recliner chair and were so pleased. Then today when we went to visit at 3pm we found that they had put the 'talking pipe' into the tracheotomy so that he could actually talk to us. We were all thrilled :D Sometimes he spoke quite clearly and other times a bit softly and it was difficult to hear, but it was just so nice for him to be able to talk to us. What made me most emotional, was when I left and he told me he loves me <3 I always tell him I love him when I leave him, but to hear him say it to me after so long was just so great. He also seemed very pleased to be able to talk to us, even though it was a bit stressful for him. Using that 'talking pipe', is very different to what he has been dealing with up till now, so it will take a while for him to get more used to it, but even in the time we were there, he seemed to get more used to it, although he told us when we left that he wanted them to remove it again.

Good days :D good days :D Even the rain can't dampen my spirits today.

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