Sunday, May 31, 2015

Still the same old Trevor

Trevor's ventilator level has been reduced again and is now on 4 and his physician is very pleased with how the infection is clearing up and how well he is doing, so it won't be long before that ventilator is on cpap and then 'capped'.

Trevor showed today how he is still the same person and we had a good laugh about it. Sometimes he needs to have the saliva suctioned out of his mouth and normally when I'm there, I do it, but today at the one visiting, he told Nicole to do it and she got all ready and as she put the suction into his mouth, he jerked his head and pulled a weird face as if it hurt him and Nicole got all freaked out thinking she had hurt him till she saw how much he was smiling and how we were laughing, because he did it on purpose as a joke :D hahahahahahaha

Trevor recently asked Matthew to tell him about the accident and the rescue and although hearing the details made him very emotional, and made us all emotional, I think its good that he asked, because it will help him to start dealing with it and accepting it. Today he actually asked me how I got to the mountain on the day of his accident, so I told him that Nicole and Kevin brought me there. I think he wanted to know a bit more, but then other visitors came in, so if he wants to know more from my side, I will tell him when he asks.

Its now been a month since the accident and he is still in the surgical ICU ward, but we are hoping that it won't be long before he can go to the general ward or maybe even directly to rehab. Today he watched Comrades the whole day, because he always loves watching it, so that was a good sign too. His sister was running Comrades today, so we were all watching it and it was so awesome to see her briefly on TV :D Congratulations Tracy, you did us all proud and I know Trevor is VERY proud of you.

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