Wednesday, May 27, 2015

28 May 2015

7.22 - I know I haven't blogged for a while, thats because I had been hoping to be able to tell you all that Trevor's tracheotomy was taken out, but that hasn't happened yet. His ventilator was put on cpap, which is when the ventilator just keeps up some pressure in the airways but doesn't actually breathe for him and then later it was switched off and he was breathing on his own totally, but that makes him tired, so it can only be done for limited periods of time. Unfortunately the first night he has some struggle breathing so they have put him on the ventilator again fully.

On this past Saturday, his club, the Telkom Athletics Club did a Pledge Walk for him from the Pinelands Sports Club to the hospital and back. Nicole was with him at the hospital and Matthew with us all on the walk and they were skyping so that Trevor could see the walk and all the walkers all the way. There were TAC members, friends and family and members from other groups and clubs, and people from his work, about 50 people in all and it was an awesome walk. Even the rain held off with just a very light sprinkling during the walk and it only really started when the walk ended. The vibe was so good on the walk and when we got to the hospital, we all waved at his window and then a prayer was said. It really warms my heart, to know that Trevor has such wonderful people in his life and we are so blessed to know them all.

The prayer taken at ground level
The prayer taken from Trevor's window
Waving to Trevor taken from his window
Thank you to Derrick and TAC for arranging this event and to ALL those who walked with us on the day, I know it means a lot to Trevor to know that he has this kind of wonderful support and it means a lot to us, Trevor's family too.
There was only one 'sore point' recently and that was to do with the media. I spoke to a Sunday Times reporter who wanted to do an article in their daily paper "The Times" and I had assumed that it was about the Pledge Walk that was done, because that is what they were approached about, but when the article was printed, I was so angry and upset, because instead of making the article about the wonderful support for Trevor after his injury, they sensationalized it and made it all about the 'perils of the mountain' which was only done to sell newspapers Grrrr They took a heartwarming event and just used it...although they never even mentioned the event AT ALL. Not one single word about it. NEVER trust a reporter from The Times!!!!!
However my faith in the media was restored by Brenden Ruiter from our local newspaper The Tyger Burger for his sensitive and heartwarming story that was in yesterday's Tyger Burger. Nicely done Brenden, THAT is the kind of article that I wanted done.

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