Friday, May 22, 2015

Another day, another surgery

7.14 - Yesterday after a days delay from when we were told they would first operate, the orthopaedic surgeon operated on Trevor's shoulder. He, the orthopaedic surgeon, phoned me after the surgery to say that the damage to Trevor's shoulder was worse than they had thought from the X-rays. All of the tendons had been torn, as well as the fracture, but they repaired all the damage and he was pleased with the result.

Nicole and Kevin picked me up and we rushed through there to have a few mins with Trevor before visiting hours ended and when I said we need to leave because visiting was over he shook his head to say no. I... asked his nurse if we could stay a little longer and she said yes. About 8 mins later I again said would need to leave and again he shook his head no. Nicole and Kevin went to wait outside and the nurse said I could stay a bit longer. About 8.20 I saw he was getting sleepy (the nurse had given him morphine for pain) so I told him that I was going to go and let him sleep and finally he was okay with me leaving.

It was so hard to know he didn't want me to leave, but that I couldn't stay indefinately :(  He looked good though under the circumstances, and I'm glad that we did rush through there thought,  it seems it settled him to see us.

Hopefully this will be the last surgery he will need to undergo. The doc told me it would be a six week recovery period where he won't be able to use his shoulder and thereafter about another six weeks to regain mobility in his shoulder, so its a bit of a setback regarding physio on that arm, but in the long run its a good thing.

Shame :(  he was telling us he was hungry last night, but unfortunately had to wait a few hours after his surgery to get fed.

1. 45 - Went to see Trevor this morning and he seemed good. Dr Pretorius came to see him while we were there and seems very happy with how things are going and its possible it won't be much longer before the ventilator is removed.  The ventilator level is back down to 4 which means he is breathing better. It had been put up to 8 last night after the surgery to make sure all was okay after the anesthetic etc.

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