Monday, May 11, 2015


I'm so happy, we just collected Trevor's new glasses from the Optometrist so at least now instead of just listening to the tv, he should be able to see it, which means hopefully he won't be so bored during the day.

We are just waiting for confirmation that they will operate on the fracture in his shoulder tomorrow, but it looks like it will be going ahead, they are pleased with how his chest/lungs are clearing up. We were also told that they have lowered the limits on his ventilator, which means his body is slowly getting used to the idea of being without the ventilator which is also good news. They told us they tried lowering the limits yesterday, but it didn't go so well, but that he was tolerating the lower limits well today :)

Trevor continues to communicate with us via the communication board and is asking questions which show he is thinking about every day type things. We actually joked with him today, because he always hated games like charades, but now its like we are all playing charades on a daily basis (not quite the same LOL but similar). Today he asked if they know he is left handed, so we had to just notify the physio and I left a note on the 'notice board' next to his bed to tell them that he is left handed. He also asked about his phone, so I told him it was fine, but that I had switched it off. He also asked us to change the channel on the tv to Mnet before we left. Its a long process, but usually we can fairly quickly figure out what he is trying to say from getting a few words spelled out.

As for me, I'm at least eating a bit better now, I still struggle with sleeping and have resorted to taking a sleeping tablet at night, but I still tend to wake up at about 4.30 to 5am anyway. There are many times when I just suddenly feel exhaused and remembering things is a bit difficult at the moment, I guess from the stress and lack of sleep.

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