9.09am - What I have been doing, I'm sure you have noticed, is writing a bit during the day and putting the time I update my blog and then I publish it in the evening. Yesterday morning, after doing the blog about the details of the accident, I sat and cried and just couldn't bring myself to go back and do my usual daily blog. It wasn't a big deal, because Trevor's condition is more or less the same, so I don't really have updates on that. At a point yesterday afternoon, I suddenly became very tired, but I do not want to sleep during the day, because then I know it will be even more difficult to sleep at night and I sleep badly enough as it is. I do have some sleeping tablets I can take if it gets too bad, but I don't want to use them unless I have to, because they make me feel groggy in the morning. I was going to skip yesterdays 7pm visiting hour to try get some relaxation, but then thanks to Eskom our power went out at 6pm, so I decided to rather spend the time visiting Trevor than spending 2.5hours in the dark on my own.
This morning I woke up at about 4.30 am which has been happening most of the time, I usually wake up a few times in the night too, but I stayed in bed and tried to see if I could sleep again, but by 6am, I realized I wasn't going to, but just couldn't face getting out of bed, but eventually at 7am, I forced myself up. Trevor always used to get up before me and he always used to bring me tea in bed :'( I miss that. It also got to 9am and I realized that I hadn't even thought of running (I normally run at about 8.30) so I will make myself run later.
I just want to once again thank everyone so much for all their well wishes and prayers for Trevor and for all of us. We constantly update him on all of that.
13.27 - Trevor's physical condition hasn't really changed, but he is still awake when we go visit him and able to nod etc as before. The Physician who is taking care of his heart and lungs is pleased with how he is doing, so that is good news too. I might not necessarily do daily blogs from now on, unless there is something for me to blog about or if Trevor's condition changes in any way.
18.00 - Some good things today. Seleste chatted with a 66 year old man that we had seen visiting someone in ICU before. He walks with a stick. He seems to have some weakness on the one side but gets along well. She found out that he had had an injury very similar to Trevor (his injury was about a year ago) and he was in the same hospital after it. He was told he would most likely never walk again and here he is walking, we saw the miracle for ourselves and we all chatted with him briefly. His wife told us (or at least I think its his wife) that the most important thing she can tell us is to concentrate heavily on the best physiotherapy possible, because that makes all the difference.
We also got to meet Trevor's physiotherapist and she seems very nice and showed us the 'Communication Board' that they have so they can communicate better with Trevor. Its a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet written on it and I have actually made a printed one, put it on cardboard and laminated it and I will take it in when I visit again, because I'm sure it will make things easier. We tried to use their paper one, but because the paper keeps folding over (it has to be held in the air so Trevor can see it when lying on his back), so its difficult to use. She explained to us what she is doing so far in terms of physio, so I'm pleased about that. I have also printed a few motivational messages and laminated them and will stick them to the board next to Trevor's bed and even if he can't always see them, he will know they are there and I will read them before I stick them up and alternate them every now and then.
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