Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hmmm, I've come to realize something about myself and I'm not sure if its a Sagitarian trait or a Carol trait. I seem to 'latch onto' things and for a while they become all consuming in my life, then suddenly they take a backseat to the next 'latched onto' thing.... The things in the backseat always remain in my life, but aren't foremost anymore.

At the moment its running. If someone had told me six months ago that I'd be running now, I'd have laughed them all the way out of Cape Town, but here I am, fretting because I'm on rest days and can't go out and run :(  Running at the moment is my all consuming passion, and it seems to be all I can think about. I 'troll' the running sites, read running & health mags, scan adverts for running gear and am getting quite knowlegeable about running injuries and their solutions. Conversations and facebook statuses always seem to be about running. Geez, I must be quite boring at the moment to any non-runners LOL

To tell you the truth, I find it quite fascinating how obsessed I have got and I'm still shocked at the fact that i'm still running approx 4 months after I started. I used to read those articles about people who said that they couldn't get through the day without their run and I'd laugh and think "how pathetic, surely they have to be kidding", but no, they weren't and now I'm one of the pathetic ones hehehehe

Initially I was very firm on my intentions, I wanted to get fit, get healthy and lose weight, but wasn't really interested in running races. Oh how I was kidding myself :-) I was very genuine about that at the time and to be honest, that is still my main aim, but having set myself a goal of running a race and having done it and survived, something changed.

Yes, for me the training is still the most important thing, but there's something about running a race, that gives you motivation and a boost of confidence. Coming to the end of a race and having people cheer you on, even if you are right near the back of the pack. Mostly those people are strangers who don't even know you and yet still root for you. Its a great feeling :-)

Running has done a lot for me. Its making me more healthy, its getting me fit, its helping me lose weight, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing it has done for me is change my attitude and mood. Finishing a training session exactly as specified makes me so proud of myself and what I have achieved, its SUCH an ego boost to know that I CAN DO THIS!!! I get such a 'high' from running and it carries me though the day, through the week, through the month etc.

Having now done two 10km races and had my first 'runners' injury, I can now confidently say that I'm a runner. I'm proud to be a runner, in all my obsessed, boring to non-runner, glory *HUGE GRIN* (wanna check out my medals hehehehee)

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